There are three major moments where danger or disaster can strike - your home, office or workplace and on transit. Your workplace here refers to either your private job or public employer's address, place of religious worship, meeting venue, sporting venue and so on.

When I mention transit, I mean the entire distance you walk or transport yourself from the moment you leave your home or place of engagement to another venue. Taking some conscious steps to ensure your safety on these three cardinal locations are deemed necessary if you must remain safe and secure at all times. For the sake of this post, I shall dwell chiefly on revealing some tips which can help you ensure personal maximum security while on transit.


Do you know you can make a career out of your knowledge on security and safety tips? you can also be employed as a security strategists or double in your already gotten job as a security resource person. Therefore I encourage you to digest this tips as they could help keep you safe as well as promote your career or vocation in life.
When you walk on the streets, board a bus or cab, board an airplane or ship, you are on transit. This moment of your life exposes you to the greatest levels of unforeseen dangers posed by the momentarily-changing environment as you journey along. Most common forms of security breaches are called transit accidents. Although most accidents are not pre-intentional, they are still security breaches because they endanger your lives and are most times life-threatening.

SafeAndSecureNigeria Blog

However, there are other forms of security breaches which are planned and targeted at people on transit. These are the more visible security challenges that you usually pray and plan against at all times while on transit. These include highway robbery, pick-pocketing, luggage loss or theft, targeted kidnap or assassinations and so on.
It is no longer news that despite some security measures put in place by the government of Nigeria, such incidents have continued unabated especially in the remotes parts of the country. Therefore it has become necessary to learn some security tips which individuals and groups can adopt to maximize their security especially while on transit.

Tips for Highway or Transit Security

  • never discuss personal matters while in a public transport system example, bus or cab.
  • Do not expose the contents of your wallet in a bid to retrieve cash to pay your transport fares. You could securely detach the cash specifically for your transport fare before joining a public transport.
  • Never entertain long phone calls while in transit. Some calls may make you unconsciously reveal confidential details in the course of the phone discussions. Secondly, you loose general focus from other details if you remain on phone calls for long. This lose of concentration can predispose you to unforeseen danger lurking around.
  • Try not to wear cloths which stand out in the crowd. This can make you easily spotted out and renders you an easy target.
  • Have sufficient cash but not too much. Your cash has to be just enough to solve any financial need while on transit to avoid being stranded in the face of any emergency.
  • Keep your mobile phone on vibration and keep the ringing volume low. When your phone rings out loud, you become the object in focus and consequently a target. Always discourage drawing attention to yourself.
  • Keep a tab on the driver and other passengers with you on the cab or bus. On the driver, he has the key to your driving safety, thus the need to ensure he does not exhibit any excesses. Keeping close watch on fellow passengers can ensure that all exhibited behaviors are friendly otherwise, plan an escape strategy in event of any escalation.
  • Always ensure you have enough airtime on your mobile phone while on transit. This is to ensure that at moments of danger or eventuality, you can always reach out and contact security operatives or any nearby help.
  • Generally, always prefer shorter routes to your destination. This is to ensure a reduced level risks of exposure as a result of transit journeys
There are many other security strategies you can apply while on transit which are vertually inexhaustible. However, I urge you to add them by commenting in the box below. My action call to share this publication on social media.

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