Hello readers, today I bring you what two great keys to achieving success in any chosen career. You may be dealing with a lot of business ventures, jobs, career options but nothing seems to be working out. These 2 secret keys to success in your job or career will open your eyes as you read further.

You may be pursuing your talent which I highly commend, but without these two ingredients, you might just be lucky enough to manage to put food on your table. You might definitely not be able to make that food go round. The two keys to guarantee you success in any chosen career field are Passion and Consistency.

How Passion Relates to Career Success

Do not mix it up - passion as used here may sound something like talent. They are however not the same. Passion rightly means the driving force which keeps you hitting on that job every day, every moment trying to make things better without getting tired. It is essential if you must succeed either in building your career empire or in getting your dream paid job.


Aside keeping you nailed to the cross of making untiring efforts in your career or job, passion also makes you go the extra mile to attain job satisfaction or career satisfaction. Passion makes you take some steps further where others have actually stopped. What guarantees career success is never failing....but rising to become stronger after any failed attempt. No career success rule promises no failure. But all career success laws advocated the need to always rise after any fall. Only passion can make you do this.

How Does consistency Help You Succeed in Your Career or Job

There can be no consistency without passion. When passion sets in, you find the strength to do it over and over and over again. This is consistency. The law of Auto-suggestion states that the more time you spend on something, the more that thing becomes yours. Repeating a particular task makes you more prefect by the seconds. This is how career success and perfection and promotion in jobs come.

These two keys to career success cannot be overemphasized. It works for all manner of career paths and jobs one might go after. However passion and consistency need to be developed in people as they are really rare gifts. With both passion and consistency, one who discovers them is made for life.

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